Saturday, 25 April 2009
how it would work
My System
The main advantage of this kind of system in this situation is that the driver can clearly see where they are supposed to be going so they don't have to work this out. The reason i have included a section in the top right that shows the information that is commonly displayed to users in the current system because many people use this information as they don't have to work out when they are going to arrive.
Sat Nav and complex roads
Meaning if you are aprocing a double roundabout the sat nav would say go straight on at the first roundabout and then the second exit at the next roundabout. This is very informative but it the maximum that the system can string together with two comments, if you then needed to take the next right you have to wait till you are at the second roundabout or even off the double roundabout before you are given this information.
Problem with sat nav
There are also some situations where a sat nav is not the best option over a sign and some common seance. Lorry drivers have had some bad press for following just sat navs and ending up stuck and many people believe that if you gave a driver a sat nav that directed them over a cliff they would probably follow. This is mainly because the systems are developed or designed for a individual system, if you could set what car you where in and its detentions then you would not have a problem because the system would know if you could go down a road or not.
Don't follow your sat nav
The other main isue is that if you are following a sat nav you are quite often end up in the wrong lain at a roundabout or junction and end up causing an inconvenienced to other drivers. This is often coursed by a sat nav saying go straight on at the roundabout so you go in the left lain to then discover you can only go straight or left which means your in the incorrect lain.